Spaghetti, chilli, courgette, garlic and sun-dried tomato
To call this a recipe may be an overstatement. It is more a compilation of ingredients, briefly cooked, thrown together, and presented on the plate.
However, I do think of this as quite the treat. In a way, the fact that it is so simple, and made with good ingredients, for me invokes a small sense of luxury. I like to imagine that the Italians are slurping up something similar in their own homes on a deliciously golden evening under an apricot tree… you know, something like that…
I would usually make this on a warm Sunday evening, when I want to make something really tasty but that doesn’t require hours of cooking over a hot stove, with many-a-pan on the go. It feels like you’ve made the effort, but the reality is that it takes barely any time at all.
To serve, I would have some good crusty bread alongside it with salted butter, or balsamic and olive oil, and a simple rocket and parmesan salad. I have also served it alone, after a simple tomato bruschetta starter, or a goat’s cheese salad with warm honey and raisin dressing. Eat outside or on your lap, on the floor, or at the table, but always topped with shavings of parmesan and a big glass of red wine.
I hope this dish brings a smile to your face as it does to mine.
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